Last week we had the typical storm swell. Tuesday brought the clouds, rain, and beautiful, barreling waves. A spot I will call "Signs" was not large enough, and breaking too close to shore for my buddy to surf. For me it was great conditions, Waves barreling over me just off shore. The only downside was that with the rain comes an uphill battle keeping my lens clear of water drops. Also the cloudy conditions, along with the churned up ocean does not produce ideal colors. Many times I call these day Black and White days. Wednesday, was also fantastic and with it came the sun. The barrels were a little less consistent and clean but there were some that just popped. I shot at a place I call "Rock-piles" was really great on this day at high tide. pretty straight Shorebreak waves with some larger sets rolling in occasionally. Although the rain and storms of the spring have been brutal, it was nice to get such a nice swell in June. Some shots of these waves have been posted on social media, and will be up on the website soon.