Late June Clarity, Vintage Bazaar

The Ocean, especially at Long Beach has been pretty quiet. However, the position of the sand bar and the off shore winds have produced very clean and beautiful small waves and at high tide small clean shore break. Also, although cold (Mid 50degrees), the water has been exceptionally clear. So clear it reminds you of the Caribbean or Hawaii. I have been shooting 3 days this week and got some really nice shots from these conditions. 

Last weekend I was fortunate enough to have a spot at the Vintage Bazaar in Eliot, ME. Although the vibe was probably a little different than what i had brought to sell, it was a fantastic experience. I need to give a special Thank You to my wife Megan who worked it by herself on Saturday and was there all day with me on Sunday. We met some wonderful people and got a lot of amazing feedback. A happy 4th of July to everyone, and stay safe.